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Corpus Luteum Development

2023-08-09 17:03| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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Contents 1 Introduction 2 Some Recent Findings 3 Granulosa Lutein Cells 4 Theca Lutein Cells 5 History 5.1 Progesterone 6 Luteolysis 7 Histology 7.1 Embryo Virtual Slide 8 Corpus Albicans 9 Animal Models 10 References 10.1 Reviews 10.2 Articles 10.3 Historic 10.4 Search Pubmed 11 External Links 12 Glossary Links Introduction Human ovary with corpus luteum (white ring).

The corpus luteum (Latin, corpus = body, luteum = yellow) develops from the remains of Graffian follicle after ovulation. Functions as an endocrine organ (produce progesterone and estrogens) supporting pregnancy and preventing menstruation (loss of the endometrial lining). Formed during the luteal phase (ovary) (secretory phase, uterus) of the menstrual cycle by proliferation and differentiation (luteinization) of both the follicular granulosa cells (granulosa lutein cells) and thecal cells (theca lutein cells), that together interact to produce progesterone and estrogens (oestrogens). Ovarian luteal cells have an important role in progesterone (P4) production.

Peak luteal function during the menstrual cycle, determined by maximum luteal area, progesterone concentration and estradiol concentration, is observed about 6 days following ovulation.[1]

If fertilization and pregnancy does not occur, the corpus luteum degenerates, through a process called luteolysis, that eliminates the corpus luteum, initially forming a large blood-filled cavity, then the corpus albicans.

Historic Embryology

Regnier de Graaf (1641 – 1673) first observed histologically the corpus luteum in the ovary of a cow by its defining yellow structure. The yellow colour is caused by the accumulation of steroidal hormones. Catchpole HR. Regnier De Graaf 1641-1673 (1940) Bull. Hist. Med. 8(9): 1261 - 1300. Corpus lutem

Menstrual Cycle Links: Introduction | menstrual histology | ovary | corpus luteum | oocyte | uterus | Uterine Gland | estrous cycle | pregnancy test Historic Embryology - Menstrual  1839 Corpus Luteum Structure | 1851 Corpus Luteum | 1933 Pap Smear | 1937 Corpus Luteum Hormone | 1942 Human Reproduction Hormones | 1951 Corpus Luteum | 1969 Ultrastructure of Development and Regression | 1969 Ultrastructure during Pregnancy

Genital Links: genital | Lecture - Medicine | Lecture - Science | Lecture Movie | Medicine - Practical | primordial germ cell | meiosis | endocrine gonad‎ | Genital Movies | genital abnormalities | Assisted Reproductive Technology | puberty | Category:Genital Female | X | X inactivation | ovary | corpus luteum | oocyte | uterus | vagina | reproductive cycles | menstrual cycle | Category:Female Male | Y | SRY | testis | spermatozoa | ductus deferens | penis | prostate | Category:Male Historic Embryology - Genital  General: 1901 Urinogenital Tract | 1902 The Uro-Genital System | 1904 Ovary and Testis | 1912 Urinogenital Organ Development | 1914 External Genitalia | 1921 Urogenital Development | 1921 External Genital | 1942 Sex Cords | 1953 Germ Cells | Historic Embryology Papers | Historic Disclaimer Female: 1904 Ovary and Testis | 1904 Hymen | 1912 Urinogenital Organ Development | 1914 External Genitalia | 1914 Female | 1921 External Genital | 1927 Female Foetus 15 cm | 1927 Vagina | 1932 Postnatal Ovary Male: 1887-88 Testis | 1904 Ovary and Testis | 1904 Leydig Cells | 1906 Testis vascular | 1909 Prostate | 1912 Prostate | 1914 External Genitalia | 1915 Cowper’s and Bartholin’s Glands | 1920 Wolffian tubules | 1935 Prepuce | 1935 Wolffian Duct | 1942 Sex Cords | 1943 Testes Descent | Historic Embryology Papers | Historic Disclaimer Some Recent Findings Absent or Excessive Corpus Luteum Number Is Associated With Altered Maternal Vascular Health in Early Pregnancy[2] "Identifying modifiable factors that contribute to preeclampsia risk associated with assisted reproduction can improve maternal health. Vascular dysfunction predates clinical presentation of preeclampsia. Therefore, we examined if a nonphysiological hormonal milieu, a modifiable state, affects maternal vascular health in early pregnancy. ...The number of angiogenic and nonangiogenic circulating endothelial progenitor cell numbers was lower in the absence of a CL in FETs ( P=0.01 and P=0.03). Vascular health in early pregnancy is altered in women with aberrant numbers of CL (0 or >3) and might represent insufficient cardiovascular adaptation contributing to an increased risk of preeclampsia." MiR-29b affects the secretion of PROG and promotes the proliferation of bovine corpus luteum cells[3] "The regulatory role of miRNAs has been explored in ovarian cells, and their effects on gonadal development, apoptosis, ovulation, steroid production and corpus luteum (CL) development have been revealed. In this study, we analyzed the expression of miR-29b at different stages of bovine CL development and predicted the target genes of miR-29b. We confirmed that miR-29b reduces the expression of the oxytocin receptor (OXTR), affects progesterone (PROG) secretion and regulates the function of the CL. RT-PCR showed that the expression of miR-29b was significantly higher in functional CL phases than in the regressed CL phase. Immunohistochemistry showed that OXTR was expressed in both large and small CL cells and was mainly located in the cell membrane and cytoplasm of these cells. We analyzed the expression levels of OXTR and found that transfection with a miR-29b mimic decreased OXTR expression, but transfection with the inhibitor had a limited effect on the expression of the OXTR protein. At the same time, the secretion of PROG was significantly increased in the miR-29b mimic-transfected group. We also analyzed the effect of miR-29b on the apoptosis of CL cells. Finally, we found that miR-29b could promote the proliferation of bovine CL cells. In conclusion, we found that miR-29b reduces the expression of OXTR and can promote PROG secretion and the proliferation of CL cells via OXTR." More recent papers  

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Search term: Corpus Luteum | Corpus Albicans | Progesterone | granulosa lutein cells | thecal lutein cells | luteolysis

Granulosa and Theca Lutein Cells Granulosa Lutein Cells

The internal follicular granulosa cells, differentiate into the granulosal lutein cells (large luteal cells). This luteinization change occurs within 30 to 40 hours of the ovulatory LH surge and the cells become are terminally differentiated. The cells begin secreting increasing amounts of both progesterone and some estrogen, that support the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. Progesterone secretion during non-pregnancy occurs for about 10 days. These cells initially proliferate, become terminally differentiated and stop dividing.

Search PubMed: granulosa lutein cells Theca Lutein Cells

The surrounding follicular theca interna cells, differentiate into the thecal lutein cells (small luteal cells). These cells express receptors for luteinizing hormone (LH) to produce androstenedione, that supplies the granulosa cells the precursor for estrogen synthesis.

Search PubMed: thecal lutein cells History Regnier de Graaf (1641 – 1673) Ludwig Fraenkel (1870 - 1951) Regnier de Graaf (1641 – 1673) was the first observer in the ovary of a cow as a yellow structure, the yellow colour was caused by accumulation of steroidal hormones. Ludwig Fraenkel (1870 - 1951) first identified the endocrine function of the corpus luteum.[4] Progesterone In 1934 progesterone (progestin) C21H30O2 was first isolated from the corpus luteum and its structure reported by four separate groups of researchers.[5][6][7][8]

Progesterone hormone is produced by the granulosa cells of the ovarian follicles at different levels during the menstrual cycle and at high levels by the corpus luteum of pregnancy. It is the high levels of progesterone that prevents loss of the uterine lining and menses.

Progesterone molecular structure


During a cycle which does not result in pregnancy, the corpus luteum by day 22–24 initially loses the ability to produce progesterone (functional luteolysis). This allows the continued development of new follicles for ovulation and fertilization.

Next the functionally inactive corpus luteum is removed to avoid accumulation of non-functional luteal tissue within the ovary (structural luteolysis). This process of complete deletion will take several menstrual cycles.

Clinically, luteolysis may also occur during ART procedures (stimulated IVF/ICSI cycles) when gonadotropin-releasing-hormone (GnRH)-agonist are used for the final oocyte maturation, this reduces the risk for development of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS).[9] Administration of hCG or high doses of progesterone (P4) can prevent or counteract this induced luteolysis.[10]

Histology Corpus luteum histology Corpus luteum lutein cells

Human corpus luteum (large image)

Human corpus luteum (small image)

Corpus luteum histology

Corpus luteum histology

Corpus luteum lutein cells histology

Human corpus luteum (light and electron micrograph)

Embryo Virtual Slide Human Ovary and Corpus Luteum

 ‎‎Mobile | Desktop | Original

Ovary | Embryo Slides Corpus Luteum Links: anatomy overview | image - histology overview | image - Layers granulosa and theca | image - Layers detail granulosa and theca | image - low power label | image - high power label | image - low power | image - high power | image - corpus albicans | theca and granulosa lutein cells | Granulosa cell | corpus luteum | granulosa lutein cells | theca lutein cells | corpus albicans | ovary | menstrual cycle   Historic Papers: 1969 corpus luteum ultrastructure 1 | 1969 corpus luteum ultrastructure 2 Corpus Albicans Human ovary with corpus albicans (white arrow).

Corpus albicans histology

(corpora albicantia) (Latin, corpus = body, albicans = whitish) The histological structure formed by luteolysis of the corpus luteum in the ovary. If implantation does not occur and the hormone hCG is not released the corpus luteum degenerates and the structure is white, not yellow, because of the absence of steroid hormone synthesis/accumulation.

Corpus Luteum Links: anatomy overview | image - histology overview | image - Layers granulosa and theca | image - Layers detail granulosa and theca | image - low power label | image - high power label | image - low power | image - high power | image - corpus albicans | theca and granulosa lutein cells | Granulosa cell | corpus luteum | granulosa lutein cells | theca lutein cells | corpus albicans | ovary | menstrual cycle   Historic Papers: 1969 corpus luteum ultrastructure 1 | 1969 corpus luteum ultrastructure 2 Animal Models References ↑ Baerwald AR, Adams GP & Pierson RA. (2005). Form and function of the corpus luteum during the human menstrual cycle. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol , 25, 498-507. PMID: 15846762 DOI. ↑ von Versen-Höynck F, Narasimhan P, Selamet Tierney ES, Martinez N, Conrad KP, Baker VL & Winn VD. (2019). Absent or Excessive Corpus Luteum Number Is Associated With Altered Maternal Vascular Health in Early Pregnancy. Hypertension , 73, 680-690. PMID: 30636549 DOI. ↑ Xu MQ, Jiang H, Zhang LQ, Sun XL, Luo D, Fu Y, Gao Y, Yuan B & Zhang JB. (2018). MiR-29b affects the secretion of PROG and promotes the proliferation of bovine corpus luteum cells. PLoS ONE , 13, e0195562. PMID: 29617446 DOI. ↑ Simmer HH. (1971). The first experiments to demonstrate an endocrine function of the corpus luteum. On the occasion of the 100th birthday of Ludwig Fraenkel (1870-1951). Sudhoffs Arch , 55, 392-417. PMID: 4261581 ↑ Butenandt A. Neure Ergebnisse auf dem Gebiet der Sexualhormone. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 1934;47:936. ↑ Slotta KH, Ruschig H, Fels E. Ȕber der Hormon aus dem Corpus-luteum. Ber Chem Ges. 1934;67:1270. ↑ Hartmann M, Wettstein A. Ein krystallisiertes Hormon aus Corpus-luteum. Helv Chim Acta. 1934;17:878. ↑ Allen WM & Wintersteiner O. (1934). CRYSTALLINE PROGESTIN. Science , 80, 190-1. PMID: 17817057 DOI. ↑ Lawrenz B, Garrido N, Samir S, Ruiz F, Melado L & Fatemi HM. (2017). Individual luteolysis pattern after GnRH-agonist trigger for final oocyte maturation. PLoS ONE , 12, e0176600. PMID: 28459828 DOI. ↑ Lawrenz B, Ruiz F, Engelmann N & Fatemi HM. (2017). Individual luteolysis post GnRH-agonist-trigger in GnRH-antagonist protocols. Gynecol. Endocrinol. , 33, 261-264. PMID: 28019139 DOI. Reviews

Sugino N, Matsuoka A, Taniguchi K & Tamura H. (2008). Angiogenesis in the human corpus luteum. Reprod. Med. Biol. , 7, 91-103. PMID: 29699289 DOI.

Woad KJ & Robinson RS. (2016). Luteal angiogenesis and its control. Theriogenology , 86, 221-8. PMID: 27177965 DOI.

Stouffer RL, Bishop CV, Bogan RL, Xu F & Hennebold JD. (2013). Endocrine and local control of the primate corpus luteum. Reprod Biol , 13, 259-71. PMID: 24287034 DOI.

Bachelot A & Binart N. (2005). Corpus luteum development: lessons from genetic models in mice. Curr. Top. Dev. Biol. , 68, 49-84. PMID: 16124996 DOI.

Stouffer RL. (2003). Progesterone as a mediator of gonadotrophin action in the corpus luteum: beyond steroidogenesis. Hum. Reprod. Update , 9, 99-117. PMID: 12751773

Reynolds LP & Redmer DA. (1999). Growth and development of the corpus luteum. J. Reprod. Fertil. Suppl. , 54, 181-91. PMID: 10692854


Billhaq DH & Lee S. (2019). A potential function of RLIP76 in the ovarian corpus luteum. J Ovarian Res , 12, 34. PMID: 30999946 DOI.

Garcia MR. (2017). Leptin Contributes to the Development of the Corpus Luteum. Cell Dev Biol , 6, . PMID: 29399429 DOI.

Maroni D & Davis JS. (2011). TGFB1 disrupts the angiogenic potential of microvascular endothelial cells of the corpus luteum. J. Cell. Sci. , 124, 2501-10. PMID: 21693577 DOI.


BROWNE JS, HENRY JS & VENNING EH. (1947). Studies in corpus luteum function. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. , 7, 446. PMID: 20253396

HARRISON RJ. (1946). The early development of the corpus luteum in the mare. J. Anat. , 80, 160-6. PMID: 20996688

Corner GW. (1937). The Hormone of the Corpus Luteum. Trans Edinb Obstet Soc , 57, 61-80. PMID: 29612342

Allen WM, Butenandt A, Corner GW & Slotta KH. (1935). NOMENCLATURE OF CORPUS LUTEUM HORMONE. Science , 82, 153. PMID: 17811944 DOI.

Shaw W. The origin of the lutein cells of the corpus luteum. (1926) Proc R Soc Med. 19(Obstet Gynaecol Sect): 22-4. PMID 19985092

Dalton JC. Prize essay on the corpus luteum of menstruation and pregnancy. (1851) Philadelphia: T.K. and P.G. Collins.

Lee R. On the structure of the corpus luteum. (1839) Med Chir Trans. 22: 329-37. PMID 20895693

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